Andrey Velikanov’s Lecture Cycle: Ideas and Forms



Every Sunday, 17:00–22:00


Education Center


Philosopher and artist Andrey Velikanov introduces his new cycle of lectures, Ideas and Forms.

The lectures are based around books, films, and music pieces, closely related to selected philosophic conceptions. Just as certain ideas straightforwardly or indirectly lay the foundation of new forms, some art forms may become the fuel for new theories. These interconnections and interinfluences shape the sophisticated network of contemporary culture. Each lecture is dedicated to a particular author and their works (one or several), which are going to be scrutinized using relevant conceptual contexts. All lectures can be attended separately, although together they form wholesome illustrative material for the theoretical program of the seminar “Philosophy of Art”, delivered for the successful applicants to the course group.

Course students will study the history of philosophic and artistic movements, analyze texts, make presentations and participate in discussions. A complicated path of learning philosophic ideas, as well as self-training and contemplation, is lying ahead of them. Ultimately, the graduates will not only acquire new knowledge, but will improve their analytical skills, using the experience of various intellectual and creative practices for materializing their own ideas, developing their own creative methods, and achieving a better understanding of themselves within contemporary culture and the world around.


Andrey Velikanov is a philosopher, art theorist, and artist. His publications on art and cultural theory include Am I a Trembling Simulacrum, or Do I Have the Right? (NLO, 2007). He has taught at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russian State University for the Humanities, UNIC Institute, Wordshop Communications Academy, Moscow 1905 Art Academy, MediaArtLab Open School, Center of Avant-Garde at the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center, and Free Workshops Art School, and regularly gives talks and takes part in discussions at various venues. He is also a recipient of several media art awards and prizes including Ostranenie (Germany), DADANET (Russia), Art on the Net (Japan), TrashArt (Russia), Southwest Interactive Festival (U.S.A.), and Split (Croatia).


The free lectures and seminars will take place on Sundays from 17:00 to 22:00. Participants in the study group will be expected to spend extra time on further reading and studies, individually as well as in the group. 


Information about the course and admission to the group.


Interviews with those who apply for a place in the enhanced study group of the Philosophy of Art course

Saturday, September 2
Garage Education Center

Introductory lecture. Philosophy in between science, art and religion. The intuitive of the rational, and the logic of the sensuous

Sunday, September 3
Garage Education Center
