Garage Museum of Contemporary Art and the British Council are delighted to announce a series of lectures dedicated to the role of cultural leadership in the modern world. Ten professionals from different cultural sectors, from architecture to modern dance, will share their experiences and talk about goals they need to achieve and the importance of their work in the global context.
The audience will meet directors of national funds and those who form the culture policy in Great Britain and discuss how the cultural sector responds to the most urgent issues of modernity and will have a chance to ask leading practicing professionals about their favourite projects and meet artists and writers who inspire both their supporters and opponents.
The aim of the program is to show that nowadays the term “cultural leadership” includes not only managing a role in the cultural sector, but also the possibility of generating new ideas, senses, and products, and changing our way of thinking and the world around us. There is no monopoly in the modern cultural environment when it comes to leadership, and leadership positions can be taken by people from different backgrounds: from public authorities and heads of big institutions to curators and producers, entrepreneurs, and independent consultants.