
To attend an event you are interested in, please contact us at

Garage runs regular events for blind and partially sighted visitors, including tours with the use of tactile models and audio descriptions of works, masterclasses for children, teenagers, and adults, film screenings with audio description, and other educational and creative events.

The list of current events can be found below, in the section Events for Blind and Partially Sighted Visitors.

Garage materials on working with blind and partially sighted visitors

You can learn more about the principles of our work with partially sighted and blind visitors, developed by the staff of Inclusive Programs Department, by downloading the collection of articles Experiencing the Museum: Working with Blind and Partially Sighted Visitors at Garage Museum of Contemporary Art (PDF, 11.6 MB, in Russian). Information for the professional community can be found on the platform Experiencing the Museum. Diversity and Inclusion.

Accessibility of Garage Library to the blind and partially sighted

Garage Library, located at Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, holds no books in braille, but blind and partially sighted visitors are invited to use a tablet with the inbuilt text-to-speech program Voice Dream Reader and the screen reader VoiceOver. To use the tablet, please ask the administrator at the Library entrance.

The app Voice Dream Reader allows the user to read any book published by Garage. The full list of books is available here. To ask whether a particular book is available in the Library, please contact us at before your visit.

To use the library, visitors must obtain a library pass and sign a form granting the Museum the right to process personal data.

Getting here by metro

If you plan to travel to the Museum by metro, you can use the assistance service provided by the Moscow Metro Passenger Mobility Center. Assistance is offered for the whole of your journey, from the station entrance to the information desk at Garage.

You can request support and obtain more detailed information by calling the support numbers +7 495 622 73 41 and +7 800 250 73 41 (calls are free), via the Moscow Metro mobile app or by filling out the form on the website.

If you plan to make your own way to the Museum, you can use the audio directions (in Russian) from Oktyabrskaya metro station to Garage and back again. You can listen to the audio directions using the player below:

The audio directions are also available in .doc format. You can download the file here. (DOCX, 23 КБ).

If you lose your way, please contact Museum staff at

Before your visit, you can take a look at the social story (PDF, 4.7 MB) about visiting Garage.

Events for blind and visually impaired visitors