The series of public events prepared by Garage Teens Team are focused primarily, though not exclusively, on young people, and offer an easy way to start understanding contemporary art.
The Steps is a series of public events prepared by Garage Teens Team primarily, though not exclusively, for young people. Six events will explore the issues that are on young people’s minds when it comes to art: clichés in discussions of contemporary art, the museum as the new place for socializing, and the changes that have made the life of an artist less poetic, but not less exciting.
Having conceived of The Steps as an audience-targeted research project, the team invited Yuri Albert to become their collaborator. Albert is a representative of Moscow Conceptualism and his practice is largely focused on the phenomena of perception and misperception in art. He shared with the team his experience with audience engagement in different countries, and explained how the process of using games could be crucial for the communication between artists and viewers. Yuri Albert, famous for his witty maxims on art and life, also kept the mood light and fun.
The team decided to make use of materials from Garage Archive Collection, focusing on the period from the late 1970s to the early 1990s, to get a solid factual basis for each group’s theme. During their research, Garage Teens Team stumbled across an initiative similar to The Steps in its structure and passion for education—Thursdays at Trekhprudny Lane Gallery (1991–1993). Trekhprudny Lane Gallery was an artist-run space, where artists explored all possible forms of contemporary art (from installations and interactive projects to actions and happenings) and thus educated themselves in the context of emerging contemporary art in Russia. Artworks created in Trekhprudny Lane were made with dedication, youthful enthusiasm, and irony. And Thursdays set the tone for Moscow art life of the time.
Offering a selection of events in various formats—from inclusive performances and improvised tours to a game of art mafia, a popular Russian party game—Garage Teens Team invites the audience to try and dissect the sometimes obscure and seemingly inaccessible language of contemporary art.
To take part in the events, please register with TimePad.