Events Series The Steps. Game Room


The final event of the The Steps series focuses on perhaps the most important process in one's life—the game. The path of understanding, learning and engaging through game will seem equally attractive for those who approach contemporary art for the first time, as well as those for whom art is a familiar, or even an everyday environment.

A lot in contemporary art is literally or indirectly based around play. Therefore the choice of game techniques for exploring art seems extremely significant and helpful to the members of our team. Working on The Steps, the members of Garage Teens Team identified six subjects they considered crucial and split into six groups, each group concentrating on one subject. For the final event the team decided to work all together and to present this endeavor as part of the Museum Night city event. Each of the activities developed specially for this event looks at contemporary art through games, which vary in pace and level of engagement. The viewer is free to choose what is more relevant and fun for them: to play a round of the art mafia game and participate in a crucial contemporary art event, or to delve into the world of associations and gently scrutinize artists' bios and aesthetic movements.


Garage Teens Team (2013–present) is a yearly Garage initiative for 13- to 19-year-old high school and first-year university students, launched in 2013 and aimed at helping Garage to engage diverse publics into creative processes and the life of a contemporary museum.

From September through May a group of young people study contemporary art theory and practice, and museum work formats, completing the program by preparing their own thematic projects.


Free admission, registration required