Museum of Capitalism
This speculative institution views the present and recent past from the implied perspective of a future society in which our economic and political system is memorialized, and subjected to the museological gaze. Sketches and renderings of exhibits and artifacts, combined with relevant quotations from historical sources, are interspersed with speculative essays on the intersections of ecology, race, museology, historiography, economics and politics. Included are representations of artworks and museum exhibits created by artists Oliver Ressler, Sayler/Morris, Dread Scott, Temporary Services, and others, original Isotype graphics drawn from the museum’s lexicon of “capitalisms,” and texts from Lucy Lippard, Lester K. Spence, T.J. Demos, Chantal Mouffe, McKenzie Wark and Kim Stanley Robinson, among others.
Graphic art, Installation, Interview, Capitalism, Media art, Museography, Performance, Political art, Sculpture, Photography, Ecology, Economy
Gibson-Graham J. K. (Article author), Hunn Sarrita (Article author), FICTILIS (Article author), Burrington Ingrid (Article author), Storrie Calum (Article author), Bottici Chiara (Article author), Lilley Sasha (Article author), McAnally James (Article author), Killian Kevin (Article author), Demos T. J. (Article author), Mouffe Chantal (Article author), Squibb Stephen (Article author), Susannah Sayler & Edward Morris (Article author), Spence Lester K. (Article author), Davis Heather (Article author), Cottingham Steven (Article author), Lippard Lucy R. (Article author), Paul Ian Alan (Article author), González Jennifer A. (Article author), Wark McKenzie (Article author)
Christy Chow, Curran Mark, Reed Patricia, Fall-Conroy Blake, Klose Alex, Portlock Tim, Hemami Taraneh, Desmond Evan Yee, Warpinski Terri, Dread Scott, Uranga Ivan, Santiago Curtis Talwst, Yee Evan Desmond, Haug Kate, Sugarmann Jesse, Bennett Jordan, Cottingham Steven, Susannah Sayler & Edward Morris, Odell Jenny, Lord Chip, Thede Michael, Dalton Jennifer, Azzellini Dario, Ressler Oliver, Jazvac Kelly, Vega Michelle de la, Daniel Sharon, Osborne Erika, Bigelow Ben
New York City
168 pages
Available on request
705.1 2017
- ID. Art: Tech Exhibition2019
- Современная французская живопись: пересечения истории/ La peinture francaise contemporaine: combinaisons de l’histoire.2006
- From Dreams to Reality. Baltic/ Scandinavian Design and Craft Exhibition1993
- Giacometti — Nauman2016
- Understandable Art/ Понятное искусство1993
- OEI № 60-61 2013, Extra‑Disciplinary Spaces And De‑Disciplinizing Moments. In And Out Of The 30th Bienal De São Paulo2013
- Janet Cardiff & George Bures Miller: The Murder of Crows2011
- Veilleurs du monde. Gbedji Kpontole: une aventure beninoise2000
- Обменённые головы/ Exchanged Heads1994
- Through the Looking Glass: Hyperrealism in the Soviet Union2015
- Eco‑Visionaries: Art, Architecture, and New Media after the Anthropocene2018
- Now What? Artists Write!: A New Collection of Artists' Writings2004