Remembering Landscape
Must contemporary landscapes still encompass the romantic ideal of a natural, agricultural area? The landscapes being made today are often “non‑places,” bearing traces of economic interventions, changing demarcations, and evidence displacement, war, urban sprawl, and mining. Quite often, only a kind of residual nature remains, where a few ruins tell of historical events. Barren landscapes that speak of past violence are degraded to (illustrative) material. At the same time, memories are visibly embodied in architectural monuments from the twentieth century. In this exhibition and in numerous contributions to the extensive book, twenty‑four artists and artist groups bring the theme of landscape to life. Landscapes between fiction, symbolism, and documentation are presented, appealing to our ability to decipher these images and calling upon our imagination and empathy.
2010s, Video, Objects, Poetry, Nature, Sculpture, Urban design and town planning, Philosophy, Photography, Ecology
Serban Alina (Article author), Marincu Diana (Article author), Davis Heather (Article author), Virilio Paul (Article author), Veys Danny (Article author), Unknown Fields Division (Article author), Tomić Milica (Article author), Sans Souci Сollective (Article author), Mühe Andreas (Article author), Vöckler Kai (Article author, Preface), Schmidt Sabine Maria (Article author), Cioană Ionuț (Article author), Dimitrijevic Branislav (Article author, Preface), Falb Daniel (Article author), Schmidt Eva (Article author, Preface), Voinea Raluca (Article author), Radu Magda (Article author), Hollweg Brenda (Article author), O'Hagan Sean (Article author), Panhans‑Bühler Ursula (Article author), Meschede Freidrich (Article author), Blaschke Estelle (Article author), Faria Nuno (Article author), Busch Isabelle (Article author), Seyfarth Ludwig (Article author), Engelen Leen (Preface), Cools Jan (Preface), Demetrescu Sandra (Preface), De Kempeneer Nora (Preface), Dan Călin (Preface), Joksimović Lola (Preface)
Linke Armin, Blaschke Estelle, Müller Heiner, Bleutge Nico, Mureşan Ciprian, Nash Paul, Navratil Alexandra, Popp Steffen, Poschmann Marion, Rubens Pieter Paul, Rusu Cristian, Unknown Fields Division, Sitar Larisa, Tomić Milica, Sans Souci Сollective, Veys Danny, Virilio Paul, Vrancken Kristof, Multiplicity, Bordeianu Bogdan, Bran Lucian, Benera Anca, Estefan Arnold, Brunner Helwig, Christofides Marianna, Delahaye Luc, Mathews Chloe Dewe, Droste‑Hülshoff Annette von, Einsele Lukas, Falb Daniel, Gaillard Cyprien, Gherca Dani, Heinlein Anne, Gnaudschun Göran, Ilfoveanu Nicu, Karstiess Markus, Kellner Thomas, Kempenaers Jan, Kiefer Anselm, Kling Thomas, Mosse Richard, Konrad Aglaia, Kriemann Susanne, Lange Norbert, Antonas Aristide
352 pages
Available on request
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