Beat Culture and the New America: 1950–1965
This book analyzes beat culture from a historical viewpoint, showing its growth in the Cold War as an expression of alienation on one hand and utter artistic joy on the other. It also charts the rise of a postwar African American intellectual movement whose influence remains strong; examines the effect of beat sensibilities on the hippies who followed a decade later, and on youth culture generally; and traces the path of beat ideas in the arts, especially film.
1950s, 1960s, Black Studies, Graphic art, Painting, Cinema, Literature, Politics, Poetry, USA, Subculture, Art‑related socializing
Berger Maurice (Article author), Damon Maria (Article author), Saloy Mona Lisa (Article author), O'Brien Glenn (Article author), Carney Ray (Article author), Hanhardt John G. (Article author), Watson Steven (Article author), Solnit Rebecca (Article author), Sanders Edward Parrish (Article author), Ginsberg Allen Irwin (Article author), Phillips Lisa (Preface)
Conner Bruce, Schneemann Carolee, Gysin Brion, Johnson Ray, Chamberlain John Angus, Thompson Bob, Beck Julian, Kaprow Allan, Berman Wallace, Bischoff Elmer, DeFeo Jay, Brown Joan, Perkoff Stuart, Herms George, Kienholz Edward, Talbert Ben, McClure Michael, Jess Collins, Mason Fred, Ferlinghetti Lawrence, Stockwell Dean, Hedrick Wally Bill, LaVigne Robert, Dine Jim, Rauschenberg Robert, Rivers Larry, Burroughs William Seward, Kerouac Jack, Kline Franz, Snyder Gary, Oldenburg Claes, Corso Gregory
280 pages
Available on request
705.1 1995
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