The 1st Russian Show
This catalogue was published on the occasion to the first exhibition of Russian art, held in Berlin at the Gallery van Diemen, 21 Unter den Linden, on Sunday 15 October 1922. The exhibition was hosted by the Soviet People's Commissariat for Education, and proved controversial in relationship to the current developments in avant‑garde art in Russia, most notably Constructivism.
1920s, Abstract art, International exhibitions by Russian artists, Germany, Painting, Constructivism
Erenburg Ilya (Article author), Passuth Krisztina (Article author), Nisbet Peter (Article author), Nakov Andrei (Article author, Preface), Lodder Christina (Article author)
Filonov Pavel, Gabo Naum, Kandinsky Wassily, Kliun Ivan, Klutsis Gustavs, Lissitzky El, Malevich Kazimir, Pevsner Antoine, Popova Lyubov, Pougny Jean, Rodchenko Aleksander, Rozanova Olga, Stenberg Vladimir, Shterenberg David, Altman Nathan, Tatlin Vladimir, Udal'tsova Nadezhda, Bayer Herbert, Bergmann‑Michel Ella, Bortnyik Sándor, Doesburg Théo van, Klee Paul, Moholy‑Nagy László, Nicholson Ben, Péri László, Schwitters Kurt, Vordemberge-Gildewart Friedrich, Suetin Nikolay, Archipenko Alexander, Chagall Marc, Chashnik Ilya, Ekster Aleksandra
176 pages
Available on request
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