Deep Screen. Art in Digital Culture. Proposal for Municipal Art Acquisitions 2008
The increasing digitalisation of our culture has consequences for the arts. We take instant photos with our cell phones, pick out the shots we want in the blink of an eye on the computer screen, and create our own version of reality using Photoshop and iPhoto. The influence on the visual art world is apparent in the temporary nature of the images used and the centrality of process, repetition and change.
Deep Screen — Art in Digital Culture presents contemporary works of art which are all in some way marked by today’s digital culture. The jury, chaired by guest curator Andreas Broeckmann, has selected 18 artists out of the 200-plus submissions.
2000s, Video art, Installation, Media art, The Netherlands, Science art, France
Bastien Pierre, Driessens & Verstappen, Elsenaar Arthur, Persijn Broersen & Margit Lukács, Jodi, Loon Erica van, Maurer Luna, Jablonowski David, Lester Gabriel, Meiya Lin, Mellors Nathaniel, Mul Geert, Nijs Marnix de, Heide Edwin van der, Prins Gert‑Jan, Spek Jochem van der, Visser Jasmijn, Bain Mark, Schimmel Roland
156 pages
Available on request
705.1 2008
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