The Playground Project
Until sometime in the 1980s, playgrounds were places for social experiments, risky projects and spectacular sculptures. Architects, urban planners, artists, parents and children were invited to leave their comfort zones and to venture something new in the design and use of playgrounds. “The Playground Project” explores these exemplary initiatives, pioneering acts and adventures in designing modern childhood. Examples from Europe, the US, Japan and India are discussed in depth and illustrated with numerous images.
Roy Sreejata (Article author), Romagny Vincent (Article author), Baumann Daniel (Preface)
Senda Mitsuru, Allen Marjory, Brown Joseph, Trachsel Alfred, Nielsen Palle, Sørensen Carl Theodor, Dattner Richard, Group Ludic, Ledermann Alfred, Schagerl Josef, Noguchi Isamu, Dalisi Riccardo, Eyck Aldo van, Møller‑Nielsen Egon
256 pages
Available on request
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