Gerhard Richter
The contemporary painter Gerhard Richter has been heralded both as modernity's last painter and as painting's modern savior, seen to represent both the end of painting and its resurrection. Richter works in a dizzying variety of styles, from abstraction to a German cool pop that combines painterly technique and appropriation. His work includes photo paintings, large abstract canvases, and stained glass windows. This collection features writing by prominent critics, including Hal Foster, Gertrud Koch, and Thomas Crow. These writings examine Richter's work as a whole, from October 18, 1977, his dreamlike series of paintings depicting the dead Baader-Meinhof gang, to his abstract trio Abstract Paintings.
Abstract art, Painting, Installation, Art history and art criticism, Conceptual art, Criticism
Meinhardt Johannes, Foster Harold Foss, Crow Thomas E., Pelzer Birgit, Haidu Rachel, Koch Gertrud, Richter Gerhard
188 pages
Available on request
709.203 Ric
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