14 Rooms
For “14 Rooms” curators Klaus Biesenbach and Hans Ulrich Obrist invited artists to each activate a room and explore the relationship between space, time and physicality with an artwork whose “material” is the human being. Artists featured include Marina Abramović, Allora & Calzadilla, Damien Hirst, Joan Jonas, Laura Lima, Roman Ondák, Yoko Ono and Tino Sehgal.
Malouf David (Article author), Obrist Hans Ulrich (Article author), Wolfson Jordan (Article author), Biesenbach Klaus (Article author), Atkins Ed (Article author), Sehgal Tino (Article author), Keller Sam (Preface)
Nauman Bruce, Allora & Calzadilla, Hirst Damien, Lima Laura, Sierra Santiago, Herzog & de Meuron, Sehgal Tino, Jonas Joan, Abramović Marina, Nkanga Otobong, Atkins Ed, Xu Zhen, Baldessari John, Gonzalez‑Foerster Dominique, Ondak Roman
160 pages
Available on request
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