Pleasure of Light: György Kepes and Frank J. Malina at the Intersection of Science and Art
Catalogue of an exhibition co-produced by the National Centre for Culture, Laznia Centre for Contemporary Art, the National Museum in Gdansk, Ludwig Museum in Budapest and Gdańsk 2016, in the scope of “Art&Science Meeting” project. Both Malina and Kepes tried to find a balance or harmony between art and exact sciences. Work with light — both in private and public spaces — became an important means to change the attitude of inhabitants of cities towards their environment. A creative approach to light is the common feature of the artists’ work and thus has become the key concept of the project “The Pleasure of Light”. The exhibition presented at the Green Gate — department of the National Museum in Gdańsk between April 29 — June 26, 2011, showed the parallel lives and the evolution of ideas of the two artists. The catalog includes articles by: Nina Czegledy, Róna Kopeczky, Roger F. Malina, Márton Orosz, Attila Csáji, Fabrice Lapelletrie, Oliver A. I. Botar, Elizabeth Finch, Frank Popper, Barnabás Bencsik and Jadwiga Charzyńska.
Assemblage, Painting, Installation, Kinetic art, Science art
Kopeczky Róna (Article author), Malina Roger F. (Article author), Lapelletrie Fabrice (Article author), Botar Oliver A. I. (Article author), Czeglédy Nina (Article author), Popper Frank (Article author), Finch Elizabeth (Article author), Csáji Attila (Article author), Orosz Márton (Article author), Bencsik Barnabás (Preface), Charzyńska Jadwiga (Preface)
192 pages
Available on request
705.1 2011
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