Artists and Agents. Performance Art and Secret Services
Every month, the art association HMKV presents the latest videos by international artists in its series “HMKV Video of the Month” which has been ongoing since March 2014. The idea for the series came from the desire to show the newest artistic productions in rapid succession, changing works at a faster pace than in the exhibitions of the HMKV. For the first time, this publication unites all 78 works that have been exhibited since 2014. The videos address a variety of different topics and stories, ranging from labor conditions, structural changes, speculative technologies, or posthuman machines to technology (and its history) as well as artificial intelligence. A wide array of works is devoted to the old ‘new’ right‑wingers and the alt‑right. The book not only shows stills of all videos, but each work is also accompanied by an introductory text to provide a comprehensive overview.
1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, Hungary, Video art, Germany, Performance, Feminism, Photography, Ecology
Elekes Károly, Nagy Árpád, MAMŰ, Galántai György, Grigorescu Ion, Iveković Sanja, Jarpa Voluspa, Klein Jens, Knorr Daniel, Könczei Csilla, Menner Simon, Kovanda Jiří, Löffler Markus, Antik Alexandru, Messmer Arwed, Korpys Andrée, Mosch Clara, The Peng! Collective, Robakowski Józef, Schleime Cornelia, Solakov Nedko, Stötzer Gabriele, Altorjay Gábor, St. Turba Tamás, Magid Jill, Buchwald Kurt, Bara Tina, d'Urbano Alba
230 pages
Available on request
705.1 2019
- ID. Art: Tech Exhibition2019
- Современная французская живопись: пересечения истории/ La peinture francaise contemporaine: combinaisons de l’histoire.2006
- From Dreams to Reality. Baltic/ Scandinavian Design and Craft Exhibition1993
- Giacometti — Nauman2016
- Understandable Art/ Понятное искусство1993
- OEI № 60-61 2013, Extra‑Disciplinary Spaces And De‑Disciplinizing Moments. In And Out Of The 30th Bienal De São Paulo2013
- Janet Cardiff & George Bures Miller: The Murder of Crows2011
- Veilleurs du monde. Gbedji Kpontole: une aventure beninoise2000
- Обменённые головы/ Exchanged Heads1994
- Through the Looking Glass: Hyperrealism in the Soviet Union2015
- Eco‑Visionaries: Art, Architecture, and New Media after the Anthropocene2018
- Now What? Artists Write!: A New Collection of Artists' Writings2004