The Oxymoron of Normality. We are Europeans, but Perhaps not in a Full Sense/ Normallik Oksimoronu. Avrupalıyız, ama belki de kelimenin tam anlamıyla değil/ Oksymoron Normalności. Jesteśmy Europejczykami, ale jednak być może nie w pełnym tego słowa znaczeniu
The Polish-Turkish exhibition “The Oxymoron of Normality” took place in DEPO (Istanbul, Turkey) from October 17 until November 30, 2014. The exhibition was organized by the Arsenal Gallery (Bialystok, Poland) in the framework of the cultural program of the 600th anniversary of the Polish-Turkish diplomatic relations in 2014. The exhibition covered the condition of countries in the area of Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans and it was accompanied by a panel discussion involving artists and curators.
Video art, Installation, Objects, Poland, Turkey, Photography
Taptik Ali, Smolenski Konrad, Sawicka Jadwiga, Wasilewski Marek, Wysocki Piotr, Büyüktaşçıyan Hera, Dawicki Oskar, Orlowski Franciszek, Czerepok Hubert, Libera Zbigniew, Altay Can, Bucak Fatma, Konik Anna
86 pages
Available on request
705.1 2014
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