Podróż na Wschód/ The Journey to the East
Catalog of the group exhibition that took place in the Galleria Arsenal, Poland, 05.08-30.09.2011, in Mystetskyi Arsenal, Ukraine, 30.10-11.11.2011, in Mocak, Poland, 01.12.2011-29.01.2012. The exhibition “The Journey to the East” was conceived with the intention of creating a new communication community. Artist from seven countries are represented here who have in the recent twenty years undergone signized and in terms of social life. Contemporary art in Poland deals with issues which are difficult, which have not yet been processed by the society. The more relevant they are, the more difficult they seem to be since they are very deeply rooted in history and trauma and no doubt we know too little about the sacrifices it has made in the 21 century/ That's why the exhibition does not shy away from difficult themes, although the main motif is be something which is positive, which is the binding agent of societies in the different countries and groups.
Activism, Belarus, Video art, Graphic art, Georgia, Moldova, Objects, Performance, Poland, Ukraine, Feminism, Photography
Prents Lena (Article author), Rubchinskaya Olga (Article author), Селимханов Яхангир (Article author), Rusu Stefan (Article author), Potocka Maria Anna (Article author), Arevshatyan Ruben (Article author), Palavandishvili Nini (Article author), Babìj Larisâ (Article author), Khachatryan Eva (Article author), Bendyk Edwin (Article author), Warsza Joanna (Article author), Nakonechnaya Lada (Article author), Łazar Anna (Preface)
Khomenko Yaroslava‑Maria, Kuzmenko Maxim, Molska Anna, Alakbarov Rashad, CHINGIZ, Druță Veaceslav, Rusu Stefan, Aghasyan Vahram, Bouillon Art Group, Baghdasaryan Samvel, Jabłońska Elżbieta, Hovhannisyan Armine, Раквиашвили Елена, Tabatadze Sofia, TanzLaboratorium, Fiodorova Tatiana, Shikhlinskaya Sabina, Rajkowska Joanna, Shabohin Sergey, Sekhniashvili Nino, Yushkov Oleg, Guruli Magda, Jałowiński Dominik, Arevshatyan Ruben, Dąbrowski Kuba, Chkolnikova Anna, Komarov Aleksandr, Kuznetsov Volodymyr, Darakhvelidze Lado, Grospierre Nicolas, Naprushkina Marina, Oboroc Dumitru, Volyazlovsky Stas, Huseynov Orkhan, Kakhidze Alevtina, Khachatryan Tigran, Szczęsny Jakub, Bielawska Alicja, Grigoryan Arman, Belov Anatoly, Badalov Babi
160 pages
Available on request
705.1 2011
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