Slideshow: Projected Images in Contemporary Art
This volume has been published in conjunction with the exhibition Slide Show, organized by The Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore, maryland, and held at: The Baltimore Museum of Art 27 February- 15 May 2005, Contemporary Arts center, Cincinnati 2 july- 11 September 2005, The Brooklyn Museum of Art 7 October 2005 — 8 January 2006.
Harrison Charles (Article author), Alexander Darsie (Article author), Storr Robert (Article author), Bolger Doreen (Preface)
Broodthaers Marcel, Mendieta Ana, Wodiczko Krzysztof, Melchert James, Dibbets Jan, Oppenheim Dennis, Barry Robert, Baumgarten Lothar, Doherty Willie, Fischli Peter, Weiss David, Graham Dan, Smith Jack, Floyer Ceal, Goldin Nan, Lawler Louise, Levitt Helen, Monk Jonathan, Smithson Robert, Coleman James
166 pages
Available on request
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