Dźwiękowiska Soundplay
The “Soundplay” book was published in the scope of an art project iniciated by Laznia Centre for Contemporary Art in 2012. Soundplay project is a series of workshops, concerts and lectures focused on the on the art of sound. The book consists of several texts written by: sociologist and theoretician of phenomena connected with hearing, Michał Libera, theoretician of art of new medias, Maciej Ożóg, architect, Justyna Borucka, specialist in building of experimental instruments, Johannes Bergmark, musician, Michał Górczyński and musician and creator of simple electronic music devices, Maciej Wojnicki. A DVD with films made during a workshop lead by documentarist Marek Zygmunt has been enclosed.
Video art, Graphic art, Installation, Music, Performance, Poland
Libera Michal (Article author), Wojnicki Maciej (Article author), Gorczynski Michal (Article author), Ożóg Maciej (Article author), Borucka Justyna (Article author), Bergmark Johannes (Article author), Topolski Krzysztof (Preface)
128 pages
Available on request
705.1 2012
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