Star Trek
From a decidedly inauspicious start as a low-rated television series in the 1960s that was cancelled after three seasons, Star Trek has grown to a multi-billion dollar industry of spin-off series, feature films, and merchandise. Fueling the ever-expanding franchise are some of the most rabid and loyal fans in the universe, known affectionately as Trekkies. Perhaps no other community so typifies fandom as the devoted aficionados of the Star Trek television series, motion pictures, novels, comic books, and conventions. Indeed, in many respects, Star Trek fans created modern fan culture and continue to push its frontiers with elaborate fan-generated video productions, electronic fan fiction collectives, and a proliferation of tribute sites in cyberspace. In this anthology, a panel of rising and established popular culture scholars examines the phenomenon of Star Trek fan culture and its most compelling dimensions.
Television, Differences theory, Subculture, Mass culture, Cinema
Coker Catherine (Article author), Boynton Michael (Article author), Kulovitz Kimberly L. (Article author), Thompson Nathan (Article author), Spriggs Bianca (Article author), Thomas Elizabeth (Article author), Booth Paul (Article author), Drushel Bruce E. (Preface)
Chicago, Illinois
106 pages
Open stacks
791 Dru
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