Pervasive Animation
This new addition to the AFI Film Readers series brings together original scholarship on animation in contemporary moving image culture, from classic experimental and independent shorts to digital animation and installation. The collection — that is also a philosophy of animation — foregrounds new critical perspectives on animation, connects them to historical and contemporary philosophical and theoretical contexts and production practice, and expands the existing canon. Throughout, contributors offer an interdisciplinary roadmap of new directions in film and animation studies, discussing animation in relationship to aesthetics, ideology, philosophy, historiography, visualization, genealogies, spectatorship, representation, technologies, and material culture.
Zielinski Siegfried (Article author), Ehrlich Nea (Article author), Skoller Jeffrey (Article author), Bartlett Mark (Article author), Griffin George (Article author), Leslie Esther (Article author), Ward Paul (Article author), Gunning Tom (Article author), Lamarre Thomas (Article author), Buchan Suzanne (Article author), Cubitt Sean (Article author), Carels Edwin (Article author)
New York City
352 pages
Available on request
791 Buc
- Marilyn: Her Life & Legend1990
- Woman's Film of the 1940s: Gender, Narrative, and History2014
- Труппа Её Величества2015
- Роман Поланский2021
- Киногид извращенца. Кино, философия, идеология2017
- Кассаветис2017
- Emotions, Genre, Justice in Film and Television: Detecting Feeling2011
- Знак F: Фантомас в книгах и на экране2007
- The James Bond Archives2015
- За и против кинематографа. Теория, критика, сценарии2015
- Star Wars Art: Concepts2013
- Введение в системный киноанализ2018