Space Invaders: A Discussion About Painting, Space and its Hybrids
Although the end of painting has been evoked many times since the advent of modernism, the medium has experienced a vigorous comeback in the last few years. “Space Invaders: A Discussion About Painting, Space, and its Hybrids” concentrates on spatial concepts in contemporary painting, scrutinizing its conventional boundaries, and going beyond this. With both a conceptual and real involvement in the capture of space, painting emphasizes the possibilities of reflecting itself and its condition, and explores new territories. “Space Invaders” is an essential contribution to comprehension of new possibilities of painting.
The publication includes interviews with artists as John Armleder, Gerwald Rockenschaub, and Toby Paterson, essays by international art historians and critics such as Joshua Decter and Michel Gauthier. With works by John Armleder, Stéphane Calais, Stéphane Dafflon, Dominique Figarella, Shaun Gladwell, Lori Hersberger, Renée Levi, Toby Paterson, and Gerwald Rockenschaub.
This catalogue is published in conjunction with the exhibition, held by Kunsthaus Baselland, Muttenz (21 May — 3 July 2005).
2000s, Assemblage, Video art, Painting, Installation, Interview, Criticism, Objects
Baur Simon (Article author), Decter Joshua (Article author), Gauthier Michel (Article author), Schaschl‑Cooper Sabine (Preface)
Calais Stéphane, Hersberger Lori, Levi Renée, Armleder John, Figarella Dominique, Rockenschaub Gerwald, Gladwell Shaun, Dafflon Stéphane, Paterson Toby
152 pages
Available on request
705.1 2005
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