Handmade Future is an interactive installation created by Garage Teens Team together with the Museum’s designers, which shows visitors a museum of the future as imagined by today’s young people.
In creating this project, Garage Teens Team—a group of high school pupils and university students—aimed to identify concepts, technologies, and discoveries that will alter both art and the everyday life of cultural institutions and their employees in the future. The group also looked at how they might transform interaction with museum visitors and improve institutions’ overall performance, which could change beyond recognition. The utopian dreams of Teens Team take the form of diverse objects, images, texts, and games incorporated in the giant organism of a single installation.
Garage Teens Team:
“We are concerned that there are barriers apparent in the relationship between museum visitors: our audience includes ‘intellectuals’ and ‘fun lovers,’ and they don’t necessarily get on. What we would like to see in future is smartly-dressed people studying and hanging out with skaters and finding points of contact with each other. This way the museum will become a territory of freedom and genuine curiosity.”
The project was produced by Garage Teens Team together with Garage designers Kit Hell and Olga Nikitina and organized by Teens Team teachers Daria Ananko, Anatasia Volynova, Natela Pilia, Garage Education Department head Ekaerina Vladimirtseva, and Anastasia Mityushina, Garage curator.