Reading group: The Future in the Aerocene: Air as an Interface for Life


The reading group participants will get introduced to texts by Tomás Saraceno and like-minded authors dedicated to the Aerocene concept. The texts will be scrutinized from the viewpoints of science, technology, contemporary philosophy, and art.

Aerocene is an attempt to provide a sustainable response to the challenges of our time's ecological and economic crises. These crises are called different names by different researchers. For instance, Eugene Stromer and Paul Crutzen propose to call it the Anthropocene; Andreas Malm and Jason Moore, the Capitalocene; researchers from the University of Aarhus, the Plantationocene, etc. However, all academics point to the negative consequences of universalist anthropocentric thinking while also providing alternative definitions of the modern-day geological era, in which the temporality of the Earth is inextricably linked with human history. Obviously, such a connection between human and non-human times requires a revision of basic economic and political attitudes and how we think about progress and history as a whole.

As Donna Haraway notes, just like any universalist attempt to "explain everything," the Anthropocene risks turning into a too large narrative that obscures the importance of local decisions and initiatives, giving the false impression that nothing depends on individuals and communities in the context of human history or the evolution of species. Today we need other histories—ones that shift the focus from the "deadly" histories of progress to the histories of creation and cohesion.

Members of the reading group will try to find an answer, whether the concept of the Aerocene—understood as a new era of geopolitical freedom from borders and fossil fuels; an era of free access to the atmosphere, and the development of a community outside of corporate control and state supervision—can claim to produce a novel, vitally important narrative about humanity and its place in the world. Through the study of texts by Tomás Saraceno and his co-thinking colleagues and the analysis of the Aerocene community's economic and political approaches, the group will explore which of the Anthropocene problems can be solved using this concept and what kind of a new human subject it creates.

The reading group format does not require reading texts in advance. Fragments of texts are read out during the session and analyzed in a live conversation.

Please note that all texts are in English. The discussion will be held in Russian.



Olga Remneva is an art & science specialist, curator, Ph.D. in Cultural Studies, art historian, head of the bachelor's program Management of Creative Projects at the Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences, founder of the Culture of the Future Laboratory.


Ekaterina Nikitina, Ph.D. in Literary Studies (University of Silesia in Katowice), is a member of the Posthuman Studies Lab research platform, researcher in Animal Studies, lecturer at the international master's program Art & Science at ITMO University, deputy head of the Learning Environments Faculty of Contemporary Art.


The reading group will be held online via Zoom.
Participation is free for advance registration.


Aerocene Manifesto

Aerocene Community, Aerocene Manifesto. In: AEROCENE. Movements for the Air Munich Landing. Edited by Herausgeberinnen Alice Lamperti & Roxanne Mackie, 2020.

Buckminster Fuller, Universal Requirements of a Dwelling Advantage. In: Idem, No More Secondhand God and Other Writings, 1971. P. 45-64.


Sunday, November 15

Aerocene and Other “-cenes”

Jason Moore, The Rise of Cheap Nature. In: Anthropocene or Capitalocene? Nature, History, and the Crisis of Capitalism. Ed. by Jason W. Moore, 2016. P. 78-115.

Donna Haraway, Introduction. In: Idem, Staying with the Trouble. Making Kin in the Chthulucene, 2016. P. 1-8.

Анна Цзин, Загвоздка с масштабом. В: Гриб на краю света. О возможности жизни на руинах капитализма, 2017. С. 84-99.


Sunday, November 29

Reconfiguring Relationships

Tomás Saraceno, Meditative Mo(ve)ments for Atmospheric Re-attunement. In: AEROCENE. Movements for the Air Munich Landing. Edited by Herausgeberinnen Alice Lamperti & Roxanne Mackie, 2020. P. 30-36.

Susanne Witzgall, The Art of Relating Differently. In: Ibidem. P. 54-64.


Sunday, December 13

Common Skin, Common Intelligence

Emanuele Braga, Common Intelligence. In: AEROCENE. Movements for the Air Munich Landing. Edited by Herausgeberinnen Alice Lamperti & Roxanne Mackie, 2020. P. 84-94

Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, Life: Skin: Aerocene. In: Aerocene Exhibition Road Reader, 2016. P. 94-114.


Sunday, January 17

Art in Space

Avenir Institute, Aeropolitical Manifesto: Suprapolitics in Aerocene. In: AEROCENE. Movements for the Air Munich Landing. Edited by Herausgeberinnen Alice Lamperti & Roxanne Mackie, 2020. P. 166-172.

Sasha Engelman, The Cosmic Flight of the Aerocene Gemini. In: Why Guattari? A Liberation of Cartographies, Ecologies and Politics, Edited by Thomas Jellis, Joe Gerlach, and JD Dewsbury, 2019. P. 159-170.


Sunday, January 31

Aerocene Policies. Personalization

The final reading group session is devoted to the creation and discussion of the participants' own statements on the development of the Aerocene concept.


Sunday, February 14