First film in the long standing espionage franchise starring Tom Cruise, made by Hollywood esthete Brian De Palma, that changed the rules of big budget filmmaking.
Mission Impossible
Directed by Brian De Palma
USA, 1996, 110 minutes. 12+
First film in the long standing espionage franchise starring Tom Cruise, made by Hollywood esthete Brian De Palma, that changed the rules of big budget filmmaking.
Mission Impossible
Directed by Brian De Palma
USA, 1996, 110 minutes. 12+
Standard: 350 RUB
Student: 250 RUB*
Concessions for pensioners, veterans, large families, under 18s, and visitors with disabilities (with one carer): 175 RUB**
To book members’ tickets, call +7 (499) 345-10-00 or email Booked tickets must be paid for no later than 30 minutes before the screening.
Film will be shown in original language with Russian subtitles.
Screening accessible for the deaf and hard of hearing.
* For students of 18 to 25 years old with student ID
** Please bring proof of eligibility