“Avant-Garde Architecture and the Conquest of the Sky: Space Projects of the 1920s.” Talk by Aleksandra Selivanova


Curator and architecture historian Aleksandra Selivanova will speak about the projects for the conquest of the sky and outer space proposed by the Soviet Avant-Garde.

The possibility of overcoming space and going beyond human and technological limits, opened up by the development of aviation in the 1910s and 1920s, had a major effect on the imagery, ideas, writings, and artistic visions of the era.

For the architecture, visual arts, poetry, and theatre of the Soviet Avant-Garde, an airplane was a universal model and the sky a space for exploration and fast colonization. Unsurprisingly, many Soviet architects proposed radical projects to populate the stratosphere and outer space. This talk will focus on a few interesting projects.

The talk is part of the public program for Tomás Saraceno’s installation Moving Atmospheres.  



Aleksandra Selivanova is an architecture historian and artist, curator at Avant-Garde Centre and Na Shabolovke Gallery in Moscow. She is a senior researcher at the Museum of Moscow and the Research Institute of the Theory and History of Architecture and Urban Planning.



The Zoom talk will be broadcast on YouTube.
The lecture is accessible to deaf and hard of hearing visitors.