Artists for Сhildren. A meeting with the NSK artists





Garage Atrium


Inspired by ideas of the NSK state, the participants will discuss what their own imaginary states would be like and what laws they would have, while the practical part will include designing original passports and flags of such fictitious states.

The first meeting of the Artists for children cycle is part of the Public Program accompanying the exhibition NSK: From Kapital to Capital. Members of the art collective Neue Slovenische Kunst (NSK) Miran Mohar, Dušan Mandič and Borut Vogelnik will describe how they initiated and developed the project NSK: A State in Time—a fictional state without territory bringing together people from various regions who share love for art and the aim to create freely.

how to take part

Admission is free, registration required

We also invite deaf and hard of hearing children to attend the workshop, where there will be teachers trained in Russian Sign Language.


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