Media Research: Technology, Art and Communication
Herbert Marshall McLuhan (1911–1980) received his PhD in English literature from Cambridge University and taught in the United States and Canada. He is best known, however, as the founding father of media studies. McLuhan was Director of the Center for Culture and Technology at the University of Toronto. Among his ground-breaking works on the psychic and social dimensions of communication technology are The Gutenberg Galaxy (1962); Understanding Media: the Extensions of Man (1964); and The Medium Is the Massage: An Inventory of Effects (1967). Michel Moos' premise is that Marshall McLuhan's importance derives from his achievements in rethinking the entire process of education and training itself, not with his popular fame as media guru, and he analyzes McLuhan's work from the feedback effect his vision continues to provide, rather than from the perspective of interpreting McLuhan's pronouncements on the electronic media. Moos contrasts McLuhan's thoughts with those of such thinkers as Roland Barthes, Fredric Jameson, Friedrich Kittler, Donna Haraway, and Deleuze and Guattari, and renders an updated account of the effect of the mass media on our society and ourselves. The concept “the medium is the message” is the hub around which Marshall McLuhan's explorations revolved. McLuhan's interests ranged from sixteenth-century literature to twentieth-century business practices. With wit and literary flair, he reported the media's influence on society and on the individual. He concluded that we could not escape being transformed by the forces that are hidden deeply within the electronic telecommunications revolution of the sixties. For McLuhan, the new mediums of film, television, and the emerging realm of the digital were the modern equivalent of Gutenberg's printing press.
New York City
178 pages
Open stacks
701.17 McL
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- Как поссорились Apple и Google и, затеяв войну, начали революцию2014
- Mobile Interface Theory: Embodied Space and Locative Media2012
- Критическая история интернета2019
- The Language of New Media2001
- Genealogy and Ontology of the Western Image and Its Digital Future2012
- Техники наблюдателя2014
- Искусство экрана: от синематографа к Интернету2010
- Studies of Video Practices: Video at Work2014
- Excommunication: Three Inquiries in Media and Mediation2014
- От мольберта к машине2015
- Uncommon Grounds: New Media and Critical Practices in North Africa and the Middle East2014