Studies of Video Practices: Video at Work
Книга временно перемещена на полку “Программа Garage Digital” (стеллаж № 33).
The last two decades have seen a rapid increase in the production and consumption of video by both professionals and amateurs. The near ubiquity of devices with video cameras and the rise of sites like YouTube have lead to the growth and transformation of the practices of producing, circulating, and viewing video, whether it be in households, workplaces, or research laboratories. This volume builds a foundation for studies of activities based in and around video production and consumption. It contributes to the interdisciplinary field of visual methodology, investigating how video functions as a resource for a variety of actors and professions.
Broth Mathias (Article author), Reeves Stuart (Article author), Morel Julien (Article author), Licoppe Christian (Article author), Mondada Lorenza (Article author), Johansson Elin (Article author), Sormani Philippe (Article author), Bovet Alain (Article author), Perry Mark (Article author), Laurier Eric (Article author), Terzi Cedric (Article author), Lindwall Oskar (Article author), Rystedt Hans (Article author), Ivarsson Jonas (Article author), Engstrom Arvid (Article author)
New York City
293 pages
Available on request
701.17 Bro
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