Global Collectors: Collectionneurs Du Monde
Who are today’s art collectors? What are their motivations? They are sometimes said to be mercantile, ambitious, compulsive, sometimes passionate, connoisseurs, philanthropists. They are admired, courted, feared. The truth is that we know little about them. What do we really know about the spark that one day made them launch into this endless enterprise that is collecting? Journalist Judith Benhamou‑Huet went to meet them, from China to Brazil, from Russia to Canada. She thus conducted numerous interviews with the main players in the sector: men and women with the most diverse profiles and motives, with the only thing in common their insatiable appetite for art. The result is 115 sincere portraits, offering a true panorama of the collection at the start of the 21st century.
Alaïa Azzedine, Aven Petr, Alvear Helga de, Billarant Françoise, Blum Irving, Billarant Jean‑Philippe, Bonna Jean, Bullock Janna, B. Agnès, Brient Marcel, Barbier‑Mueller Jean‑Paul, Berge Pierre, Berggruen Heinz, Berri Claude, Broad Eli, Burda Frieder, Chung Byung‑Kee, Cardin Pierre, Delon Alain, Berardo José, Chan Bonko, Châtelus Jean, Dassault Laurent, Bernheim André, Citoler Pilar, Cohen Frank, Herzog Peter, Delvoye Wim, Hatebur Martin, Huber Pierre, Destribats Paul, Dreesmann Pieter, Helft Georges, Herbert Anton, Jacobs Marc, Edelman Asher, Elgiz Can, Falckenberg Harald, Fleiss Marcel, Joannou Dakis, Kramarsky Werner, Saatchi Charles, Elgiz Sevda, Essl Karlheinz, Karmitz Marin, Filipacchi Daniel, Kasmin John, Johnson Robert Flynn, Fontanals‑Cisneros Ella, Lam Pearl, Lambert Yvon, Forbes Christopher, Guan Yi, Gunzburg Jean de, Gadella Rik, De Galbert Antoine, Gelder Alex van, Givenchy Hubert de, Pébereau Georges, Prat Louis‑Antoine, Prelz Massimo, Redón Juan, Reinking Rik, Rosenberg Pierre, Rondinone Ugo, Perlstein Sylvio, Robins Craig, Pigozzi Jean, Poddar Anupam, Rainer Arnulf, Rubin Robert M., Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Patrizia, Leroy Pierre, Leme Eduardo, Jeude Cédric Liénart de, Lierde Bruno van, Manasherova Iveta, Margulies Martin, Liprandi Ignacio, Manasherov Tamaz, Mavrommatis Dimitri, Pinault Francois, Mugrabi José, Melamed Ebrahim, Moos Pierre, d'Offay Anthony, Neumann Hubert, Parr Martin
478 pages
Available on request
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