Собрание. — 2023, № 21
Abstract art, Avant‑garde, Biography, Graphic art, Painting, Art history and art criticism, Cinema, Literary theory, Mir iskusstva/World of Art, Still life, Portrait, Realism, Romanticism, Symbolism, Sculpture, Soviet official art, Socialist realism, Scenography, Photography
Kozlova Svetlana (Article author), Svetlov Igor (Article author), Arova Svetlana (Article author), Makhov Nikita (Article author), Kochkin Sergey (Article author), Tsymbal Eugeniy (Article author), Флорковская Анна (Article author), Khairova Valentina (Article author), Yakimovich Alexander (Article author), Kalmykova Vera (Article author)
Bondone Giotto di, Fenton Roger, Kustodiev Boris, Bruni Lev, Rossetti Dante Gabriel, Kislitsyn Igor, Deyneka Aleksandr, Lemeshev Igor, Zhegin Lev
Available on request
- Леонид Тишков. Простые действия Д. / Leonid Tishkoff: The Simple Actions of D.1990
- Пикассо и окрестности: Сборник статей2006
- Lens Politica. Film and Media Art Festival2008
- ID. Art: Tech Exhibition2019
- Robert Indiana: Beyond Love2013
- Framing the West: Race, Gender, and the Photographic Frontier in the Pacific Northwest2003
- Wilhelm Sasnal2011
- Александр Родченко2007
- Marilyn: Her Life & Legend1990