Artforum International. — 2022. V. 61 no. 1
Architecture, Installation, Interview, Internet, Information society, 21st‑century history, Cinema, Criticism
Velasco David (Article author), Schambelan Elizabeth (Article author), Rimanelli David (Article author), Kushner Rachel (Article author), Indiana Gary (Article author), Prickett Sarah Nicole (Article author), Copeland Huey (Article author), Hashimoto Jacob (Article author), Medina Samuel (Article author), Rainer Yvonne (Article author), Gutierrez Martine (Article author), Koestenbaum Wayne (Article author), Fateman Johanna (Article author), Nguyen Tuan Andrew (Article author), Taubin Amy (Article author), Okoyomon Precious (Article author), Piper Adrian (Article author), McNamara Ryan Ponder (Article author), Joselit David (Article author), Yi Anicka (Article author), Krauss Rosalind (Article author), Butterfield‑Rosen Emmelyn (Article author), Foster Harold Foss (Article author), Hainley Bruce (Article author), Bader Graham (Article author), Cain Ethel (Article author), Jonas Joan (Article author), Burke Harry (Article author), Obrist Hans Ulrich (Article author), Tillmans Wolfgang (Article author), Lemon Ralph (Article author)
Smith Tony, Dustan Guillaume, Rose Rachel, Jafa Arthur, Hesse Eva, Kruger Barbara, Zenghelis Zoe, Dees Janet
Artforum International
New York City
Available on request
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