Artforum International. — 1996. V. 35 no. 4
Architecture, History of exhibitions, Cinema, Criticism, Curatorial practices, Fashion, Music
Bowen Peter (Article author), Hainley Bruce (Article author), McDonnell Evelyn (Article author), Savage Jon (Article author), Walle Mark Van de (Article author), Cooper Dennis (Article author), Als Hilton (Article author), hooks bell (Article author), Ross Andrew (Article author), Pascucci Ernest (Article author), Hultkrans Andrew (Article author), Turner Darryl (Article author)
Rosenblum Robert, Squiers Carol, Avgikos Jan, Birnbaum Daniel, Brenson Michael, Plagens Peter, Verzotti Giorgio, Lewis Jim, Kornblau Gary, Shone Richard, Millet Catherine, Knight Christopher, Sylvester David, Buchloh Benjamin H. D., Rimanelli David, Frankel David, Cuvelier Pascaline, Blase Christoph, Groys Boris, Weinstein Jeff, Hickey Dave, Nochlin Linda
Artforum International
New York City
Available on request
- Anri Sala: Answer Me2016
- Lens Politica. Film and Media Art Festival2008
- Frame. — 2001. no. 212001
- Woman's Film of the 1940s: Gender, Narrative, and History2014
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- Театральная мемуаристика2015
- Малая Грузинская, 28. Живописная секция Московского объединённого комитета художников‑графиков. 1976–19882009
- The Plan. — 2024. no. 1572024
- All Variations Are Valid, Including This One2017