Victory Over the Sun. Russian Avant‑Garde and Beyond
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Russian avant‑garde stood at the forefront of art, subverting its traditions, conventions, and limits. As the century progressed, other generations challenged the way in which art was created and perceived in Russia. Victory over the Sun presents works by avant‑garde masters from the early years, the nonconformists of the 1960s‑1980s, and contemporary figures, tracing artistic movements that accompanied a century of social and political upheaval — from the eve of the Bolshevik Revolution through the post‑Stalinist era and up to the liberalization and eventual collapse of the Soviet Union.
Avant‑garde, International exhibitions by Russian artists, Constructivism, Moscow Conceptualism
Sirakovich Tatiana (Article author), Goryacheva Tatyana (Article author), Gurianova Nina (Article author), Kantor-Kazovsky Lola (Article author), Zakharov Vadim (Article author), Bruno Ido (Preface)
Kamensky Vasily, Klutsis Gustavs, Gnezdo (Nest), Popova Lyubov, Ter‑Oganyan David, Yakovlev Vladimir, Blue Noses, Grobman Mikhail, Chlebnikov Velimir, Kliun Ivan, Malevich Kazimir, Miller Grigory, Roginsky Mikhail, Rozanova Olga, Tatlin Vladimir, Vesnin Aleksander, Zemenkov Boris, Burliuk Vladimir, Granovskiy Naum, Kabakova Emiliya, Matyushin Mikhail, Suetin Nikolay, Ekster Aleksandra, Karasik Mikhail, Larionov Mikhail, Lissitzky El, Mayakovsky Vladimir, Orlov Boris, Vitaly Komar and Alexander Melamid, Pertsy group (Peppers), Stepanova Varvara, Bulatov Erik, Grigorovich N., Galkina Alexandra, Zdanevich Ilia, Kabakov Ilya, Kruchenykh Aleksei, Pepperstein Pavel, Rodchenko Aleksander, Zakharov Vadim, Zdanevich Kirill, Yankilevsky Vladimir, Cherkassky Zoya, Filippov Andrei, Burljuk David, Altman Nathan, Chashnik Ilya, Ermolaeva Vera, Goncharova Natalia
286 pages
Available on request
705.2 2018
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- Квадратный метр2015
- Москва — Казань — Москва2018
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