In this book, photographer Henk van Cauwenbergh introduces us to the marvelous worlds of matador Jean-Baptiste Jalabert (France) and prima ballerina Francesca Dolci (Italy). The public's favourite “Juan Bautista”, born in Arles, France and ballet dancer Francesca Dolci, a flamboyant member of the Les Ballets de Monte Carlo are the representatives par excellence of a world in which sports and art seamlessly melt together. Follow both top athletes/performers during their daily preparations, become a privileged witness to the particular rituals preceding each performance and be a spectator of a dazzling sham fight at the Mediterranean.
Fournier Isabelle (Article author), D'Hooghe Pieter (Article author), Cauwenbergh Henk van (Article author), Salina Luisella (Article author)
176 pages
Open stacks
770.9 Cau
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