The book provides insight into the historical, cultural, philosophical, political and pedagogical background of the Bauhaus. The dynamism of the Bauhaus still fascinates us today, more than 80 years after its foundation and brief 14-year existence. Reseachers in art and cultural history continue to devote themselves to the Bauhaus institution with undiminished interest, forever finding new questions to ask.
Art Nouveau, Modern, Jugendstil, Architecture, Bauhaus, Germany, Graphic art, Applied art and design, Painting, Art history and art criticism, 20th‑century history, Collage, Performance, Sculpture, Theater, Philosophy, Photography
Arndt Olaf (Article author), Baumhoff Anja (Article author), Haus Andreas (Article author), Ware Katherine (Article author), Wilhelm Karin (Article author), Erlhoff Michael (Article author), Hintz Karsten (Article author), Kitschen Friederike (Article author), Metzger Christoph (Article author), Spiekermann Erik (Article author), Ackermann Ute (Article author), Asendorf Christoph (Article author), Betts Paul (Article author), Buol Cornelia von (Article author), Colin Nicole (Article author), Faass Martin (Article author), Kieren Martin (Article author), Mankartz Frauke (Article author), Seckendorff Eva von (Article author), Ulbricht Justus H. (Article author), Wesemann Arnd (Article author), Brock Bazon (Article author), Brüning Ute (Article author), Gleiniger Andrea (Article author), Kirchmann Kay (Article author), Badura-Triska Eva (Article author), Giersch Ulrich (Article author), Hermann Ulrike (Article author), Kaiser‑Schuster Britta (Article author), Kühn Karl F. (Article author), Schmitz Norbert M. (Article author), Thummler Sabine (Article author), Fiedler Jeannine (Preface)
Schawinsky Xanti, Schmidt Kurt, Muche Georg, Itten Johannes, Albers Josef, Bayer Herbert, Moholy‑Nagy László, Kandinsky Wassily, Klee Paul, Mies van der Rohe Ludwig, Meyer Hannes, Stölzl Gunta, Schlemmer Oskar, Berthold Johannes, Gropius Walter, Borchert Erich, Ehrlich Franz, Feininger Lyonel, Breuer Marcel
640 pages
Available on request
709.040 Bau
- Место встречи: Париж/ Meeting Place: Paris2011
- Символизм в изобразительном искусстве: Франция и Бельгия, 1870–19001994
- History of the Surrealist Movement2004
- Кубизм: художественный прорыв в Европе 1906–1926 / Kubismus: Ein kunstlerischer Aufbruch in Europa 1906–19262003
- Cubism2010
- Dada in the collection of the Museum of Modern Art2008
- Fauvism1996
- Dada's Women2009
- Surrealist Art2012
- Эстетизм2007
- Искусство в метро. 25‑е юбилейное издание2023
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