Victory Over the Future. Russian Pavilion 53rd International Art Exhibition La Biennale Di Venezia 2009
Catalogue is dedicated to the project of Russian pavilion of the 53rd Venezia Biennale. This exhibition deals with the issue of overcoming our fears of the unknown that paralyzed the world in these crisis times. Olga Sviblova invited seven artists of different generations to join the exhibition to reinterpretation Russian avant-garde tradition through their own expierience. Catalogue consists of documentation of this project, including photos, drafts and biographies.
Venice Biennale, Graphic art, Painting, Installation, Conceptual art, Objects
Korina Irina, Bochavar Ekaterina, Kallima Alexey, Pepperstein Pavel, Shekhovtsov Sergey, Molodkin Andrey, Zhuravlev Anatoly, Ostretsov Georgy, Sviblova Olga
96 pages
Available on request
705.2 2009
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