Artforum International. — 1975. V. XIII no. 5
Pincus‑Witten Robert (Article author), Kozloff Max (Article author), Moore Alan (Article author), Smith Roberta (Article author), Gilbert-Rolfe Jeremy (Article author), Lippard Lucy R. (Article author), Sekula Allan (Article author), Alloway Lawrence (Article author), Calas Nicolas (Article author), Masheck Joseph (Article author)
Pousette-Dart Richard, Léger Fernand, Newberry James, Toth Carl, Wurmfeld Sanford, Michals Duane, Lloyd Elliott, Whitten Jack, Engelson Carol, Hitch Stuart, Marden Brice, Heinemann Susan, Segal George, LeWitt Sol, Tenenbaum Gary, Dine Jim, Steiner Ralf, Siegel-Burson Nancy, Gillette Frank, Caulfield Patrick, Kooning Willem de, Held Al, Bas-Cohain Rachel, Hill Gary, Merkin Richard, Smith Gary, Arsdale van Robin, Shields Alan, Batlle Georgette, Scanga Italo, Nonas Richard, Hutchenson Peter, Hogan Patrick, Lobdell Patrick, Bardazzi Peter, Finkelstein Louis
Artforum International
New York City
Available on request
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