The Art of Procrastination: а Guide to Effective Dawdling, Lollygagging and Postponing by John Perry

  • Year2016
  • LanguageRussian
  • Edition4000
  • Pages128
  • BindingPaperback
  • PublisherGarage publishing program in collaboration with Ad Marginem Press
  • Price410 RUB

The Art of Procrastination is a collection of articles by the Stanford University professor of philosophy John Perry. It is about our increasing tendency to constantly postpone things that need to be done.

The Art of Procrastination is a collection of works by the Stanford University philosophy professor John Perry. In an ironic and easy-going manner, the author develops his concept of what procrastination actually is, - in other words, “constant postponing of necessary actions.” This book is a pleasant guide on how to stop worrying and learn to love one’s own rhythm of life.  Perry addresses readers who, like himself, have noted a personal inclination to avoid the completion of strategically important tasks, and avers that, in most people, procrastination is a consequence of a misplaced perfectionism. The philosopher poses a series of logical questions and comes to the conclusion that, in actual fact, “… imperfectly done work satisfies everybody.” He further elaborates this thought: “So I give myself permission to do a less-than-perfect job now, rather than waiting until the task is overdue. Which means I may as well do it now. (Or at least start on it tomorrow.)” 


John R. Perry (b. 1943), professor at Stanford University, has made significant contributions to many areas of philosophy with special attention paid to the philosophy of language and philosophy of mind. He is known primarily for his work on situation semantics and self-knowledge. He is also the author of over 100 articles and books, including A Dialogue on Personal Identity and Immortality; Knowledge, Possibility, and Consciousness; and others.

