Art of the Soviets: Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture in a One-party State, 1917–1992
This work considers aspects of the art and architecture of the Soviet Union during the turbulent period of 1917 to 1992, covering a broad range of art, some modernist, some anti‑modernist, but all to some degree guided by (and sometimes coerced by) the apparatus of the over‑arching state.
Architecture, State art policy, Painting, History of exhibitions, Constructivism, Modernism, Unofficial art, Sculpture, Soviet official art, Socialist realism, Suprematism, Totalitarianism, Futurism
Yakimovich Alexander (Article author), Sidorov Aleksandr (Article author), Borovsky Alexander (Article author), Reid Susan Emily (Article author), Lodder Christina (Article author), Clark Toby (Article author), Taylor Brandon (Article author, Preface), Holz Wolfgang (Article author), Cooke Catherine (Article author), Wilson Sarah (Article author), Bown Matthew Cullerne (Article author, Preface), Kamenskiy Aleksander (Article author)
Zhdanov Andrei, Gerasimov Aleksandr, Glazunov Ilya, Tatlin Vladimir, Deyneka Aleksandr, Brodsky Isaak, Falk Robert, Gudiashvili Lado, Katsman Evgeny, Melnikov Konstantin, Punin Nikolay
240 pages
Available on request
709.047 Bow
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