Broadcast Design
Broadcast design and television branding bear an important prominence in our world today. Audiovisual design, in terms of content and technology, is fast-paced: the TV landscape faces great changes in distribution channels and different content models. Those changes demand a strict strategic brand development, which should be suitable for the on-air designs as well as for a range of other media channels and merchandising. With Broadcast Design Björn Bartholdy introduces the corporate design of ten selected international TV channels like BBC, FOX or arte. It gives examples of on-air design positions, introduces the collaboration between channels and design agencies and features interviews of the channel's representatives.
Video, Video art, Graphic art, Interview, Advertising, Street art & graffiti
400 pages
Available on request
745.4 Bar
- Red Dot Design Yearbook 2016/2017: Doing2016
- Сувенир: Назначение и проектирование2018
- Художник и сцена1988
- Russian decorative arts 1917–19371990
- Minimalist Packaging: Enhancing Creative Concepts2019
- Catalogue of Street Furniture2021
- Дизайн мебели в СССР. Книга III. Вторая половина 1955‑х — 1980‑е годы2017
- Design Since 19452003
- Космический дизайн. Нашивки советских и российских космонавтов2016
- Советский фарфор в Mart2005
- Creative Ideas of Materials & Products2016
- The Hard Life2017