Yulia Liderman’s seminar Key Texts in Art History was launched on Garage library’s platform in fall 2019. The starting point was the anthology Fifty Key Texts in Art History (2012), a collection of critical commentaries on the history and philosophy of art and culture.
The seminars, which took the format of “slowly reading”, studied the anthology’s materials in reverse order, from the most recently written to the earliest ones.
With the seminar’s opening block completed in December 2019, the amount of materials and the polemic enthusiasm it invoked in participants was so huge that the ten sessions weren’t enough to embrace it, so the works in question could well be reread and analyzed from a fresh viewpoint. Many publications mentioned in the anthology are available for free on the Internet. The seminar’s host, PhD in Cultural Studies Yulia Liderman has commented on some of the most striking and significant among them.