Rashid Johnson. Within Our Gates





Garage Atrium

For the second commission in Garage Atrium, New York-based artist Rashid Johnson will produce an installation using a towering grid structure to house a unique, living ecosystem in the Museum that visitors can enter and explore.

Constructed as a maze-like environment for all the senses, Within Our Gates integrates tropical plants such as palms, dracaenas, ficus, and ferns, with sculptural elements, moving image, sound, and everyday objects to immerse the viewer in the artist’s poetic manifestation of a world where fictions and facts, histories and speculations converge. His first project in Russia, this is also the largest work the artist has ever made. 

Rashid Johnson. Within Our Gates

Public program

The public program for Rashid Johnson's exhibition Within Our Gates features lectures, discussions, workshops, and screenings that will help viewers deepen their understanding of the artist’s poetic labyrinth.

Rashid Johnson's work integrates many materials and components that are inspired by different sources, from cultural symbols and artifacts to his own personal biography. In his work, he creates an environment that visitors can enter and explore.

For Moscow Museum Night on May 21, a discussion between Rashid Johnson and Kate Fowle, Garage Chief Curator, will take place. That same night, visitors will be also invited to participate in collaborative workshops to learn about the media used by the artist in his works.

Lectures by specialists in different fields will give visitors the opportunity to enhance their understanding of Within Our Gates  within a broader cultural context, and examine the elements that make up the exhibition.

The documentary Rashid Johnson Keeps His Cool (2015) will be screened in Garage Auditorium regularly, and free tours and workshops for visitors with disabilities will be conducted.  


Workshop by Rashid Johnson

Saturday, May 21
Garage Museum of Contemporary Art

Discussion: Rashid Johnson and Kate Fowle

Saturday, May 21
Garage Auditorium

Documentary Rashid Johnson Keeps His Cool (2015)

This short documentary shows Rashid Johnson’s decades-long aesthetic and professional development, from his early portrait photographs to his later conceptual sculptures made out of glass, wood, and tile.

Created and produced by: Wesley Miller and Nick Ravich
Running time: 7 minutes
USA, 2015
© ART21, New York, 2015

April 1–August 31, 2016
Garage Auditorium
