What Does “Contemporary” Stand for? Philosophy and Art: What Comes First. Seminar with Natalya Smolyanskaya



Garage Library


The new seminar cycle at Garage Library invites participants to revisit the concept of contemporary art based on the writings of twentieth- and twenty-first-century art theorists and artists.

The term “contemporary art” does not refer exclusively to the artworks produced today. The phrase itself comes with many connotations and is linked to a particular philosophy of art.

Today, the mode of art production that had given rise to the genres of installation and performance and appropriated historical and anthropological research as part of art practice seems to have exhausted itself and entered a period of stagnation. Trying to resolve the impasse, contemporary artists increasingly turn back to the practices of modernism and the avant-garde, attempting to review the history of art. Contemporaneity is a living, pulsating phenomenon of many dimensions, in which social, political, and aesthetical ideas and practices come together. Art wants to take over philosophy, often refers to it, openly borrows from it all the while building a critique of its achievements.

So how do we understand the contemporary condition in art? Participants of the seminars will read and discuss some of the seminal and relatively old but lesser-known works on the philosophy of art and the relationship between art theory and practice. Theoretical and critical writings will be accompanied by visual materials, and artists’ texts will be studied alongside philosophical publications.


Natalya Smolyanskaya is an artist, curator, and philosopher of art specializing in institutional critique, the role of the avant-garde in the era of the “surpassing of art”, and the actualization of art in contemporary life. Together with a group of curators, she runs research projects Voyti I razreshit [Entering and Allowing] and Mesto iskusstva [The Place of Art]. From 2007 to 2013 she was the head of the research program dedicated to avant-garde theories and practices and the languages of art at the International College of Philosophy in Paris.


Free admission with advance registration



“Contemporary Critical Field. Critiquing the Critique. Illusion and ‘Truth’ in Art”

Main Text

Клемент Гринберг. Модернистская живопись [Clement Greenberg. Modernist Painting] 1961) // Искусствознание. — 2007. — № 3–4. — Pp. 546–553.

Essential Reading

Бернадетта Колленберг-Плотников. Клемент Гринберг и Арнольд Гелен о современности искусства // Логос. — 2015. — № 4. — С. 58–74.
Julia Gelshorn. From Flatness to Space and Back Again: Concepts of Representation in the Work of Gerhard Richter and Zigmar Polke // RACAR : Revue d’art Canadienne / Canadian Art Review vol. 31. — 2006. — № 1–2. — P. 28–41.

Further Reading

Клемент Гринберг. Авангард и китч [Clement Greenberg. Avant-Garde and Kitsch] // Художественный журнал.
Клемент Гринберг. К новейшему Лаокоону [Clement Greenberg. Towards a Newer Laocoön] // Логос. — 2015. — № 4. — C. 72–92.
Брайн О’Догерти. Внутри белого куба. Идеология галерейного пространства [Brian O'Doherty. Inside the White Cube: The Ideology of the Gallery Space]. — М.: Ад Маргинем Пресс, 2015.

Saturday, January 25
Garage Library

“Transfer of Concepts: From a Critique of Representation to a Critique of the Spectacle. Illusion of the Spectacle/ Construction of Situations. Art as Political Action”

Main Text

Ги Дебор. Доклад о создании ситуаций и принципах организации и деятельности международной ситуационистской тенденции. Общество спектакля [Guy Debord. Report on the Construction of Situations and on the International Situationist Tendency's Conditions of Organization and Action. The Society of the Spectacle] // Ситуационисты и новые формы действия в политике и искусстве. — М: Гилея, 2018. — С. 164–172.

Essential Reading

Ги Дебор. Сценарий фильма «Общество спектакля»  [Guy Debord. Script for the film The Society of the Spectacle]// За и против кинематографа. — М.: Гилея, 2015. — С. 98–151.
Daniel J. Boorstin. The Image: The Guide for Pseudo-Events in America.

Further Reading

Исидор Изу. Манифест леттристской поэзии [Isidore Isou Manifesto of Lettrist Poetry] // Леттризм. — М.: Гилея, 2015.
Ги Дебор. Тезисы о культурной революции [Guy Debord. Theses on the Cultural Revolution] // Ситуационисты и новые формы действия в политике и искусстве. — М: Гилея, 2018. — С. 112–114.
Ги Дебор. Предварительные замечания к созданию единой революционной программы [Guy Debord. Preliminaries Toward Defining a Unitary Revolutionary Program]// Ситуационисты и новые формы действия в политике и искусстве. — М: Гилея, 2018. — С. 126–135. 
Ги Дебор. Упадок и разрушение товаро-зрительной экономики [Guy Debord. The Decline and Fall of the Spectacle-Commodity Economy] // Ситуационисты и новые формы действия в политике и искусстве. — М.: Гилея, 2018. — С. 197–209.

Saturday, February 1
Garage Library

“The Illusion of a Passive Spectator. The Ethics and Politics of Spectatorship. Jacques Rancière and the Rethinking of the Spectacle”

Main Text

Жак Рансьер. Эмансипированный зритель [Jacques Rancière The Emancipated Spectator] — Нижний Новгород: Красная ласточка, 2018.

Essential Reading

The Aesthetics of Witnessing. A Conversation with Alfredo Jaar // Art Journal.
Ролан Барт. S/Z. [Roland Barthes. S/Z.] — М.: Эдиториал УРСС, 2001.

Further Reading

The Rwanda Project. Alfredo Jaar, Jennifer Mack and Garyfallia Katsavoulidou // Theresholds. — 1999. — No 19.
Марта Рослер: между общественной и частной сферами // Художественный журнал. URL: http://moscowartmagazine.com/issue/86/article/1883.

Saturday, February 8
Garage Library

“Ways of Seeing the World and Representing it Using Different Optics. Illusions and the War of Documentary Images”

Main Text

Николас Мирзоев. Как смотреть на мир. [Nicholas Mirzoeff How to See the World] — М: Ад Маргинем Пресс, 2019.

Essential Reading

Hito Steyerl. The Uncertainty of Documentarism // A Prior. — 2007. — № 15. — Pp. 2–3.

Further Reading

Мишель Фуко. Слова и вещи. Археология гуманитарных наук [Michel Foucault: The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences].— СПб.: A-cad, 1994.
Mark Godfrey. The Artist as Historian // October. — 2007. — Vol. 120 (Spring 2007). — Pp. 140–172.

Saturday, February 15
Garage Library

“A Different Approach to Events: Political Effects of a New Way of Seeing. Bioethics and Biopolitics”

Main Text

Фредерик Гро. Состояния насилия [Frederic Gros States of Violence] // Логос. — 2011. — № 1 (80). — С. 149–171.

Essential Reading

Мишель Фуко. Надзирать и наказывать. Рождение тюрьмы [Michel Foucault. Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison]. — М. Ад Маргинем Пресс, 2015.
David Levi Strauss et al. The Anxiety of Images // Aperture. — 2011. — № 204. — P. 50–73.

Further Reading

Мишель Фуко. Воля к истине: по ту сторону знания, власти и сексуальности [Michel Foucault.  The Will to Truth]. — М., Касталь, 1996. 
The Invisible Committee. The Coming Insurrection // The Anarchist Library.

Saturday, February 29
Garage Library

“A Concept of the Avant-Garde to Rethink the Modernity. Theory and Practice: Art and Politics. The Crisis of the Avant-Garde. The Historical Theory of Art in the Left Thought of the Second Half of the Twentieth Century”

Main Text

Питер Бюргер. Теория авангарда [Peter Bürger. Theory of the Avant-Garde]. — М.: V-A-C Press, 2014.

Essential Reading

Benjamin Buchloh. Theorizing the Avant-Garde // Art in America.
Bart De Baere. Approaching Art through Ensembles // L'Internationale: Post-War Avant-Gardes Between 1957 and 1986. — Zurich: JRP|Ringier, 2014. — P. 52–73.

Further Reading

Renato Poggioli. The Theory of the avant-garde. — Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1968.
Бенджамин Бухло. Неоавангард и культурная индустрия. Статьи о европейском и американском искусстве [Neo-Avantgarde and Culture Industry]. — М.: V-A-C Press, 2016.

Saturday, March 14
Garage Library

“Critical Geography: Re-Actualising the Concepts of ‘Avant-Garde,’ ‘Contemporary Art’ and ‘Post-Colonialism’ in the Context of the Critique of Hierarchies and a Re-thinking of the History of Contemporary Art. A New Optics for the Understanding of History and Art History”

Main Text

Пиотр Пиотровский. К горизонтальной истории европейского авангарда // Художественный журнал.

Essential Reading

Пиотр Пиотровский. «Рамирование» Центральной Европы // Художественный журнал.

Okwui Enwezor. The Postcolonial Constellation: Contemporary Art in a State of Permanent Transition // Research in African Literatures. — 2003. — Vol. 34, № 4 (Winter). — P. 57–82.

Further Reading

Ларри Вульф. Изобретая Восточную Европу: Карта цивилизации в сознании эпохи Просвещения [Larry Wolff. Inventing Eastern Europe. The Map of Civilization on the Mind of the Enlightenment]. — М. Новое литературное обозрение, 2003.
Эдвард Саид. Ориентализм. Западные концепции Востока [Edward W. Said Orientalism]. — СПб.: Русский мир, 2006.

Saturday, March 21
Garage Library

“A Concept of the Avant-Garde to Rethink the Modernity. Theory and Practice: Art and Politics. The Crisis of the Avant-Garde. The Historical Theory of Art in the Left Thought of the Second Half of the Twentieth Century”

Main Text

Питер Бюргер. Теория авангарда [Peter Bürger. Theory of the Avant-Garde]. — М.: V-A-C Press, 2014.

Essential Reading

Benjamin Buchloh. Theorizing the Avant-Garde // Art in America. 

Bart De Baere. Approaching Art through Ensembles // L'Internationale: Post-War Avant-Gardes Between 1957 and 1986. — Zurich: JRP|Ringier, 2014. — P. 52–73.

Further Reading

Renato Poggioli. The Theory of the avant-garde. — Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1968.
Бенджамин Бухло. Неоавангард и культурная индустрия. Статьи о европейском и американском искусстве [Neo-Avantgarde and Culture Industry]. — М.: V-A-C Press, 2016.
Наталья Смолянская. Эстетика после искусства. Куратор как оператор // Художественный журнал.

Saturday, March 28
Garage Library

“Critical Geography: Re-Actualising the Concepts of ‘Avant-Garde,’ ‘Contemporary Art’ and ‘Post-Colonialism’ in the Context of the Critique of Hierarchies and a Re-thinking of the History of Contemporary Art. A New Optics for the Understanding of History and Art History”

Main Text

Пиотр Пиотровский. К горизонтальной истории европейского авангарда // Художественный журнал. 

Essential Reading

Пиотр Пиотровский. «Рамирование» Центральной Европы // Художественный журнал. 
Okwui Enwezor. The Postcolonial Constellation: Contemporary Art in a State of Permanent Transition // Research in African Literatures. — 2003. — Vol. 34, № 4 (Winter). — P. 57–82.

Further Reading

Ларри Вульф. Изобретая Восточную Европу: Карта цивилизации в сознании эпохи Просвещения [Larry Wolff. Inventing Eastern Europe. The Map of Civilization on the Mind of the Enlightenment]. — М. Новое литературное обозрение, 2003.
Эдвард Саид. Ориентализм. Западные концепции Востока [Edward W. Said Orientalism]. — СПб.: Русский мир, 2006.

Saturday, April 4
Garage Library

“From Optics to the Definition of Art. From the Questions on Art to the Questions on the Conditions of its Understanding/ Interpretation. Symptoms of Aesthetics”

Main Text

Нельсон Гудмен. Когда бывает искусство? [Nelson Goodman. When is Art?] // Способы создания миров. — М: Идея-Пресс, 2001. — С. 173–186.

Essential Reading

Нельсон Гудмен. Способы создания миров  [Nelson Goodman. Ways of Worldmaking]. — М.: Идея-Пресс, Логос, 2001.
Артур Данто. Мир искусства [Arthur Danto. The Artworld]. — М.: Ад Маргинем Пресс, 2017.

Further Reading

Nelson Goodman. Languages of Art. — Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1968.
Наталья Смолянская. Эстетика после искусства. Куратор как оператор // Художественный журнал.

Saturday, April 11
Garage Library

“Contemporary Condition in New Anthropological Research”

Main Text

Джозеф Кошут. Искусство после философии [Joseph Kosuth - Art After Philosophy]. 

Essential Reading

Людвиг Витгенштейн. Философские исследования [Ludwig Wittgenstein. Philosophical Investigations] // Философские работы, ч. 1. — М.: Гнозис, 1994. — С. 165–409.
Джозеф Кошут. Информация II // Художественный журнал.

Further Reading

Mel Ramsden. On Practice // Art in Theory 1900–1990. — Oxford UK, Cambridge USA: Blackwell, 1992. — P. 905–908.
The Play of The Unmentionable: An Installation by Joseph Kosuth at the Brooklyn Museum. — New York: The New Press, 1992.

Saturday, April 18
Garage Library

“Contemporary Condition in New Anthropological Research”

Main Text

Тимоти Мортон. Экология без природы [Timothy Morton. Ecology without Nature] // Художественный журнал.

Essential Reading

Тимоти Мортон. Стать экологичным [Timothy Morton. Being Ecological]. — М.: Ад Маргинем Пресс, 2019.
Филипп Дескола. За гранью природы и культуры [Philippe Descola. Beyond Nature and Culture] // Логос. — 2011. — № 1. — С. 172–191.

Further Reading

Matthew Fuller, Olga Goriunova. Bleak Joys. Aesthetics of Ecology and Impossibility. — University of Minnesota Press, London, 2019.

Saturday, April 25
Garage Library