Sergei Mats The Atlas of Comprehensible Cosmos: A Draft for a Psychology of New Collectivism


Hear a lecture on psychological aspects of the human need to gather.

“After the very beginning, when the excitement of having a hallucination made them 'jump out,' or stop happening, I was able to relax and have long hallucinations.”

Richard Feynman

Apart from what is totally accessible to our consciousness and what remains beyond its reach, the human psyche has vast territories where our consciousness is weaker or altered. These territories are spaces of the utmost complexity, and that is where the most human resources of our psyche are located.

To what extent can we control ourselves through altering our consciousness?

How can it help bring people together and where can it take us as group and as individuals?


Sergei Mats is a lecturer in psychology at the Vygotsky Institute of Psychology at the Russian State University for the Humanities, and a lecturer in directing at the International Academy of Television and Radio. He is a film director and a recipient of the TEFI award for excellence in the Russian television industry.

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