Reading Group. Historical Time, Contemporary Time


The reading group explores the topics that will later be discussed at the conference What Time Are We Living In? New Historicity and the Politics of Time, devoted to a critical rethinking of the contemporary condition and bringing together philosophers, sociologists and cultural theorists that can redefine the contemporary.

History does not equal the past. It is written in the present, which in fact does not always need to distinguish itself from the past. For example, antiquity did not accept the irreversible nature of past events. Today, we are facing a somewhat similar situation. Our memory of the disasters of the 20th century does not let the past drift away and keeps it alive in the present moment, merging it with the present to the point where they cannot be distinguished. The media and various cultural and political institutions keep reproducing this memory. Does that mean that we live in an eternal present and can no longer distinguish between phantoms and reality—things that are no longer relevant and things that still matter?

Participants are invited to read philosophical and historical writings that show how the image of contemporaneity has formed and evolved over time. Authors include Walter Benjamin, Jürgen Habermas, Jacques Rancière and Giorgio Agamben.


Ilya Budraytskis is a political theorist, historian, columnist and lecturer in Political Philosophy at Moscow School for the Social and Economic Sciences, editorial council member at Moscow Art Magazine.

Andrey Oleynikov is an expert in historical theory, doctoral candidate in philosophy, senior researcher at RANEPA’s School for Advanced Studies in the Humanities. He is also a lecturer in Political Philosophy at Moscow School for the Social and Economic Sciences.


Free admission with advance registration



Modern Time

Reinhart Koselleck. ‘Horizon of Expectation' And 'Space of Experience'—Two Historical Categories // Sotsiologiya vlasti.—2016.— №2.—Pp. 149–173. [In Russian]

Further reading:

François Hartog. Order of Time, Regimes of Historicity // Neprikosnovannyi zapas.—2008.— №3.—Pp. 19–38. [In Russian]

Friday, September 28

"Brush History Against the Grain"

Walter Benjamin. On the Concept of History // Novoye literaturnoye obozreniye.— №46.— Pp. 77–96. [In Russian]

Further reading:

Jürgen Habermas. The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity.—M.: Ves Mir, 2003.—416 pp. Pp. 16 to 19. [In Russian]

Michel Löwy. Fire Alarm. Reading Walter Benjamin's «On the Concept of History». — L., N.Y.: Verso, 2005

Wednesday, October 3 

"The Old Mole of History"

Karl Marx. The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte // Marx K., Engels F. Sochineniya. Izd. 2-e.—2016.—№2.—Pp. 35–61. [In Russian]

Further reading:

Ilya Budraytskis. Semper in motu: Markksizm I metafora “starogo krota” // Sotsiologiya vlasti.—2016.—№2.—Pp. 35–61. [In Russian] 

Wednesday, October 10

Radical Contemporaneity  

Berber Bevernage. Allochronizm, ravenstvo vo vremeni I sovremennost. Kritika proyekta radikalnoy sovremennosti Yohannesa Fabiana I dovody v polzu novoy politiki vremeni // Sotsiologiya vlasti.—2016.—№2.—Pp. 174–202. [In Russian]

Further reading:

 Johannes Fabian. Time and the Other, excerpt // Sotsiologiya vlasti.—2016.—№2.—Pp. 132-148. [In Russian]

Andrey Oleynikov. Otkuda beryotsa proshloye? (apologiya anakhronizma) // Novoye literaturnoye obozreniye. —№126—Pp. 337–344. [In Russian]

Friday, October 12

The Undying Anachronism

Jacques Rancière. The Concept of Anachronism and the Historian's Truth // .—2016.—№2.—Pp. 203–223. [In Russian]

Further reading:

Jacques Derrida. Specters of Marx: The State of the Debt, the Work of Mourning and the New International.—M.: Logos-altera, Ecce homo, 2006.—Pp. 141–180. [In Russian]

Giorgio Agamben. What is the Contemporary? // Dzhordzho Agamben. Nagota.—M.:Izdatelstvo Grundrisse, 2014. Pp. 24–38.

Wednesday, October 17 