Re-mythologization of the 'Bronze' World in the Poetry of Igor Kholin and Genrikh Sapgir. A lecture by Massimo Maurizio


Massimo Maurizio, Professor of Slavic Studies at the University of Turin, specialist in unofficial Soviet literature, and translator of contemporary Russian poetry will speak on the unique type of mythological and post-folklore vision in the poetics of Igor Kholin and Genrikh Sapgir, along with the place of the Lianozovo school within the domain of unofficial poetry of 1940s–1970s, its relation to traditions of the avant-garde, and its meaning for contemporary authors.

In his lecture, Massimo Maurizio will speak on the subject of a 'word' in poetry as a means for anthropological definition of reality. He will analyze poetic representation of the world in the texts of Igor Kholin (including the renowned cycle 'Barrack Dwellers', perceived as an account of specific way of life in a certain and rather recognizable area of Moscow in the 1950s–1960s, also speaking on Genrikh Sapgir's 'Voices' cycle as an attempt to construct a myth of 'their own' Moscow, the Moscow that belongs to people of 'their own' circle.


Massimo Maurizio (b. 1976) is an Italian Literary and Slavic Studies scholar, translator and professor at the University of Turin. In 2005, he completed his dissertation “Anti-artistic Approach as a Key Literary Device in Unofficial Poetry in 1940s–1970s, on Example of Lianozovo Group”. His key research subjects are Russian literature of the Stalin years and contemporary poetry. He is the author of books, such as Aimless Youth by Andrey Egunov (2008) and Cremlino. Percorsi reali e immaginari per la Mosca letteraria (2011). He is the editor and translator of The Anthology of Contemporary Russian Poetry dis Accordi. Antologia di poesia russa 20032016 (2016).


Free admission with advance registration