Program of workshops: Marcel Broodthaers Moscow Museum of Digital Art (MBMM)


This series of twelve interactive workshops is dedicated to Marcel Broodthaers’ practice and its conceptual implications. The participants will create their own artworks in the form of homages or transmedia translations of pieces originally created by the Belgian artist.

The program’s structure is a reference to the most famous, and ironic, project by Marcel Broodthaers—Museum of Modern Art, Department of Eagles. All workshops are named after the departments of Marcel Broodthaers Moscow Museum of Digital Art—an imaginary museum invented by Garage, with all the artworks executed by the participants becoming part of its collection.

The project would be of interest for those who are fond of linguistic art. We welcome English and French speaking participants, as well as connoisseurs of French and/or Belgian poetry and literature. Detailed information regarding terms of participation can be found in the announcements of each workshop.


Natalia Fyodorova is an art and literature theorist, teacher at St Petersburg State University, researcher of linguistic media art, and curator of Media Poetry Festival 101.

Ekaterina Sokolovskaya is an artist and curator.

Serafima Tomoshevskaya is a young theatre and film director, an artist, researcher of contemporary dance and scenic movement.

Ilmira Bolotyan, Candidate of Philology, is an artist and curator, participant of multiple exhibitions in Russia and abroad. 

Yan Vygovsky is a poet and critic. Graduate of Maxim Gorky Literature Institute, he has published his poetry in the Internet, while also writing reviews for the magazines Znamya, Vozdukh and The New Literary Review. Vygovsky is co-curator of literary readings and discussions, author of the section dedicated to contemporary literature in the Discourse magazine. Author of the poetry book/object Ranit odnogo, zadenet vseh (2018).


Workshop one. Department of Beauty

Marcel Broodthaers often and extensively rewrote poems by French authors. This Department will study how Charles Baudelaire’s poem Beauté (Beauty) has been transformed by the Belgian artist.

In Benjamin Buchloh’s view, we should regard the works of Marcel Broodthaers as a critique of contemporary visual culture through the prism of literature. That is why the workshop will begin with a session of rewriting Broodthaers’ own texts, which will help the participants to better understand his aesthetic positions and discover verbal forms of beauty relevant today.


This workshop is aimed at the widest audience interested in linguistic art, generative and visual poetry. English and French speaking visitors, as well as lovers of French and/or Belgian poetry and literature are welcome to join the class.

Friday, October 26

Workshop two. Department of Mussels

The Department is based around exploration of a generative artist book created using Marcel Broodthaers’ poetry texts.

The participants will be offered to compose a generative text of a given form based on Marcel Broodthaers’s poem Ma Rhétorique (My Rhetoric), where the author proclaims himself the master of mussels, or forms, playing ironically with the words la moule (mussel) and le moule (form). During the session, workshop members will invent novel “mussel forms” and will use them as their mediums while creating a special edition of an artist book.

Please note that participants of this workshop will have to bring along a computer with the following programs installed: TextWrangler (for MacOS) or PC Notepad++ (for Windows), Python (for MacOS:; for Windows:


This workshop is designed for a wide audience interested in linguistic art, generative and visual poetry. English and French speaking visitors, as well as lovers of French and/or Belgian poetry and literature are welcome to join the class.

Saturday, October 27

Workshop three. Department of Noncopybook Maxims

This Department’s area of research includes alphabets, typography, fonts, and ciphers. The participants will have to develop an “alphabet of winter” and use it for building a verbal narrative.

This session is inspired by and based on Marcel Broodthaers’ poem Un Jardin d’Hiver (A Winter Garden) which contains a seemingly disrupted, frozen, or spellbound alphabet in the middle. The participants will have to assign a particular word of phrase to each Cyrillic alphabet letter and write poems using this newly-created language. The resulting texts will be included in a tiny artist book that later will be digitalized and exhibited in the collection of Marcel Broodthaers Moscow Museum of Digital Art.


This workshop is aimed at the widest audience interested in linguistic art and visual poetry, and will also be useful for practicing artists and font designers. English and French speaking visitors, as well as lovers of French and/or Belgian poetry and literature are welcome to join the class.

Sunday, October 28

Workshop four. Department of Memory

The work of this Department will concentrate around the theme of memory and Marcel Broodthaers’ collection of poems Pense-Bête (Memory Aid).

In 1964, Marcel Broodthaers encased his poetry book Pense-Bête in plaster and exhibited it as an artefact at Saint Laurent Gallery in Brussels, thus turning himself into an artist instead of a poet. The participants will have to create new installations using books—their versions of and variations on Pense-Bête. 



Friday, November 9

Workshop five. Fig. Department

This Department’s research will focus on the visual perception of a hurrying person, resulting in an experimental video filmed of a hurrying individual or through the eyes thereof.

Broodthaers’ Museum of Modern Art project was a museum of exhibition forms. An imaginary museum allows the artist to critically reflect on real institutions and the mechanisms of establishing values. In such a museum, all objects and the logic of their arrangement, which creates the feeling of authenticity, are fictional.

This workshop is designed for video artists, poets and philosophers, as well as anyone interested in linguistic art and experimental poetry.


Saturday, November 10

Workshop six. Department of Furniture

The Department will examine Marcel Broodthaers’ text Investigating Dreamland.

Investigating Dreamland is a Marcel Broodthaers text written in 1960. It is a contemplation on the potential of immobility and a story of the author who once spent three weeks sitting on a chair. According to Broodthaers, that chair symbolized the infinity of possibilities for him.

The participants will learn and invent different ways to demonstrate and capture on camera this infinity of possibilities.

This workshop is designed for video and sound artists, poets, performers, actors, as well as anyone interested in contemporary (linguistic) art and its historical precedents.



Sunday, November 11

Workshop seven. Department of Politics and Magic

This department will study Marcel Broodthaers’ open letter to Joseph Beuys.

An open letter to Joseph Beuys is a symbolic argument where Broodthaers claims that artist cannot remain aloof from the political, whereas Beuys sees art as magic.

An open letter is a medium that always speaks with the both the recipient and contemporary society. The participants of the workshop will be offered the opportunity to write their own open letter to present-day representatives of the art milieu that will be published on the Marcel Broodthaers Moscow Museum of Digital Art (MBMM) website.


Garage welcomes the participation of artists, poets, writers, and art historians along with a wider audience interested in linguistic arts.

Friday, December 7

Workshop nine. Department of Youth that is not Admitted to a Museum

Participants of the workshop will suggest diverse interpretations of selected artworks on show at the exhibition Marcel Broodthaers. Poetry and images.

The workshop will open with a guided tour of the exhibition delivered by Natalya Fyodorova, during which the group will learn the story of the show and get acquainted with the works on display, before choosing a particular item which interests them most. Ilmira Bolotyan will explain how to make the selected pieces characters of a play. The resulting projects will take the form of mini plays staged by the participants. Texts of the plays will be published on the Marcel Broodthaers Moscow Museum of Digital Art (MBMM) website.


Garage welcomes teenagers aged under 18 interested in contemporary art.

Saturday, December 8
Garage Education Center

Workshop eight. Department of Networks

This department will explore the visual nature of language in communication via networks.

Marcel Broodthaers makes images and objects discursive, and language representational (Miroir M.B. M.B. M.B…; L'objet écrit (la bouteille de lait); Valise avec alphabet). The workshop focuses on modern language of such visual communication. The instant mode of message transmission requires its translation into the rapid language of emotions. This is why, alongside traditional languages, emoji have become equally important means of communication widely used in messengers. Participants will be asked to develop a chat bot which communicates using stickers.


Garage welcomes the participation of artists, poets, writers, and art historians along with a wider audience interested in linguistic arts.

Sunday, December 9