Clouds of overtones
It is sometimes hard to see the true reasons and meaning of events behind multiple versions and interpretations, layers of information and judgments. It seems that technology is capable of helping us to understand the synthetic and refined meaning of the truth, which is revealed by combining analytic data with intuitive and emotional comprehension.
But is technology that impartial? And are we still sensitive?
The performance Clouds of overtones encapsulates our attention with an illusion of the unity of these opposing subjects representing, on the one side, algorithms and robots, and, on the other—sensitivity and ambivalence. Verify yourself.
Clouds of overtones is a multidimensional sonor with an undefined pitch. The effect is produced by the vibration of strings under a contactless influence of a variable magnetic field.
DuoFluctus, a custom-made musical instrument, electronics.
Sergei Filatov—sound-artist, sculptor, musician, author, and developer of musical instruments and sound sculptures. Member of the Russian Union of Artists and the UNESCO International Association of Art. Founder of the Omniauris experimental music label. Winner of multiple contemporary art international awards. Participant of the 58th Venice Biennale of Contemporary Art; Yorkshire Sculpture International 2019 (Great Britain); Ars Electronica (Austria); Laboratory of the Future. Kinetic Art in Russia – 2020; På Den Anden Side (Denmark); Russian Sound Art Showcase 2019 (USA and Germany), and other international exhibitions and contemporary art festivals.