The theme of this poetry evening by the project What I Have to Say is “New Time.” Participants will read poems by once-banned Soviet poets about hope and faith in the future.
A haven for those who have a need to speak out and be heard, poetry has always been a beacon of hope for any person who turned to it. In moments when the news becomes scary and disturbing, reading poems acts like balm on a wound. They give strength, inspire, and spark hope for a brighter future. Being part of the readings means to feel support and care, share common pain, and seek a way to a new time.
You can also participate in a reading. If you would like to read a poem, please fill out the participant’s form.
Launched in March 2022 as a Telegram channel, Dolzhen Skazat (What I Have to Say) is an independent project that publishes poems by authors once banned or disapproved of in the Soviet Union and finds parallels with the present day.
The readings are part of Paveł Althamer's project Silence.